Stalking Sentient Text and Restless Forms

I have been profoundly changed during this last year of making art in my studio. I never set out to draw crows or jaguars. I started with what was curious, alive, and present for me. I started with the two images below.  Neither of these images are in my own personal cultural history, and yet they are charged for me. I am pulled and electrified by them. They are ideas that are life puzzles - life batteries that drive me out of bed and pull me out of complacency to make things I’ve never seen before, to stalk ideas again and again that trace the morphing forms. I’ve made over 500 pieces of art this year, only 40 of which are in this show. And still if I tap into the imagery that has arisen over the year, of a jungle dense with whispered stories, or jaguar coming to sip at the river of our beingness, I will jump up and make more. So these images are not just of a jaguar and a crow and a tree.... they are living paths of my creative process. They are dynamic maps to the unknown.

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Griffin eating a palmette, Neo-Assyrian period, 7-8thc bce, Legion of Honor, SF and Omolu, Brazilian Candomble
